
laser treatment can help you quit smoking

laser Innovations treatment to quit smoking is an advanced quit smoking aid. It's based on the same principles as acupuncture but uses the newest technology to enhance your experiance by applying pressure to certain energy point and reduceing the withdrawal symptoms. But does this method work?

Using laser treatment to quit smoking is considered to be one of the most effective smoking cessation methods. This method was introduced to the public only in the recent years and is considered to be a rather modern and even innovation method.

The laser quit smoking system is based upon a simple and very old principle. It is a well known fact that certain point in human body are nerve centers and they can encourage changes in the body. This principle is used in many disciplines such as acupuncture, reflexology, shiatsu and more. The point is, if you apply pressure to certain points in human body, you can get certain predictable effects.

This principle is used by laser Innovations in thier treatments. Low intensity laser beam is applied to those specific point in your body. The result is an almost immediate reduction of the cravings that accompany the smoking cessation.

This way you can go through the first stages of quitting smoking without the cravings associated with them.

The treatment is very "clean" and has no side effects, like some of the medications people take to quit smoking.

* Some health insurances cover the cost of this treatment, so check it with your health insurance.

Ohio Is Smoke-Free!

On November 7, Ohio voters soundly rejected R.J. Reynold’s Issue 4 and strongly supported Issue 5 backed by 575 businesses, churches, and health groups. This was a resounding victory for SmokeFreeOhio and a historic step towards improving the health of Ohio workers and customers.

The law went into effect December 7, and, despite challenges by opponents, the law is still in effect. Businesses are expected to comply with the law, meaning ashtrays need to be removed, signs need to be posted, and smoking needs to be stopped.

However, citations cannot be written and fines cannot be levied until the rules of enforcement are finalized by the Ohio Department of Health. Please be assured that the campaign and our partners are doing everything we can to assist in the rule-making process.

In the meantime, the Ohio Department of Health’s toll-free reporting number is still taking calls on those who violated the law. It is important that they receive information from you about businesses that are not complying. When they receive that educational letter, they will know that someone complained and that someone is paying attention. The toll-free number is 1-866-559-OHIO.

The best thing we can do as supporters right now is to continue going out to our favorite establishments and show those business owners that going smoke-free is a good thing for their bottom line.

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